The Great Redress

The past two years we have experiences dramatic changes to our work routine and lifestyle. We are all forever changed by this experience. As we emerge from our homes and head back to work in new ways, I believe there is going to be a dramatic shift to the way we dress for work. I call it “The Great Redress”.

I was speaking to a client, and she described it perfectly. She said she use to have her work clothes: a silk blouse, nice pants and heels - sometimes suits. Then she had her weekend clothes: jeans, cotton shirt, flats. Date night was a combo of the two. She said, once the pandemic hit and she was working from home she just started wearing her sweats - maybe a nice top if she was on a zoom call. It was a slippery slope to confusion. Two years later she looks at her work suits in the closet and can’t imagine ever wearing them again. Her weekend clothes feel dated and old and who knows if they even fit anymore. And now she’s in a slump of frump and doesn’t even know what to do. (Thank goodness she called me!)

For most people, deciding what to wear right now is confusing. We’ve become best friends with our sweatpants. Our closet is optimized for the top half of our bodies, so we look good on a zoom call. Heels feel like something that we wore in a dream. They look at us from the closet pleading to be worn, but where are we going? The cute things in our closet are trends from two years ago. Is it even fresh anymore? 

I predict the “Great Redress” will be about starting fresh. If ever there was a time for spring cleaning, it is right now: Spring 2022. It will be about simplicity and curation. For many people, the pandemic was a forcing function to focus on the things that matter most: spending time with family, exploring hobbies and generally slowing down. People should feel this same focused calm when they look at their closet and get dressed. 

And finally, we want to experience some joy again. Frumpy, out of style clothes are the opposite of joy. We need that pick-me-up of feeling great when we look in the mirror and see our genuine, authentic, stylish, best-self in the reflection. How do we do that? Call a style coach for starters. And if you simply can’t wait, here are a few things you can do to tide you over:

• Get psyched for Spring. It’s so easy to be a pessimist and assume things aren’t going to get better, but don’t do it. Listen, pretty soon the trees are going to have buds on them, the days will be longer, the birds will be chirping, and we will feel that sense of re-birth and possibility. Start preparing now so you feel good when that happens. Just know it’s around the corner. We are past the holidays, and we can start thinking about fresh colors, spring cleaning, and a chance for a new beginning. Just allow yourself to feel excited about what’s to come.

• Go through your closet with reckless abandon. Anything that reminds you of the pandemic - toss it. Those sweater dresses that your bought in 2020 so you could be comfy on those zoom meetings (because remember you thought this was for a couple months?) TOSS THEM. Ya, be dramatic about it and toss them across the room and say something like, “see ya!” Then when you’re done, fold them up neatly, put them in a bag and donate them. Do the same with your drawers of clothes. Get rid of the temporary solution clothes you bought to get you through those “15 days to stop the spread” that turned into 2 years. (Tip: if you’re not sure about getting rid of some items, put them in a bag and store them in another room for 2 weeks. If they are still there in 2 weeks put them in your car. Then donate them. Baby steps.)

• Create some outfits for the weeks ahead. Maybe you have a dinner out, an in-office event or something as basic as a doctor’s appointment. Grab a colorful sweater and a pair of jeans that have been out of your rotation and some statement earrings and try it all on! Maybe even slip on some heels to remember how that feels. Walk around the house like a crazy person and stop by a mirror. How do you feel? Are you ready? Do you hate it? Is it time to do the “see ya” thing with these clothes too? That’s OK. Just go to the next tip.

• Buy a few new items for your wardrobe. Or at least take a look at what’s out there. Even if it’s just checking out Pinterest. Some designers that are giving me the spring feels right now are: Anne Mashburn, Sandro and Ulla Johnson.

• And finally, consider hiring a stylist to help you through the process. We keep saying things like “going back to normal”. But maybe we’re past that. What if this is an opportunity to reconnect with your authentic style? The version of you that you always wanted to be. Your true, genuine self. We’ve been in a cocoon for so long. Maybe we are finally ready to emerge as beautiful butterflies! I’m accepting new clients for spring.


3 Step Closet Clean Out


Trend Alert: Feathers