Truly Embracing Navy and Black Outfits

Recently I posted a video on Instagram and TikTok about wearing black and navy together and I was so surprised by the response. It seems so many phas been embracing this color combination and I’m late to the party. I do, however think there many of people who still shy away from it so will post this anyway. I also happen to know this question is Googled ALOT.  And even if you’ve proudly been wearing black and navy your whole life: here’s your reminder to keep doing it!

Although I’ve seen this combination worn by models on runways and in ads, on fashion blogs and even street fashion around me… there was still this reluctance on my part for some reason. I’m so glad I took the time to dig into this so I can join the black and navy party in an authentic way. Because authenticity is the most important aspect of our own personal style.

After doing some research, what I discovered is black and navy are not only “acceptable” now – they are and always were an excellent combination, technically speaking. Whoever created the rule that they shouldn’t be paired is simply wrong. Navy has black in it so it’s naturally a pleasing combo to our eyes and this tonal combination is flattering and instantly expands your wardrobe.

 From a color theory perspective, they are complimentary because they are both neutrals, and they are both specifically neutrals that pair well with other neutrals. They are also from the same (Winter) category of colors. Knowing that technically they are complimentary colors makes me even more frustrated that we were once told to keep them separated!

 I have had clients ask me what they can wear their navy items with, which is further proof that many people are still not really embracing this combination. Although I would say to them, “navy and black are totally acceptable combination now” because I knew it intellectually – it wasn’t until I dug deeper that I now truly LOVE the combo. I will be changing my response from the above to: “navy and black and not just OK – it’s an excellent combination!”  I also love pairing navy with camel, darker brown, light pink, hot pink, hunter green and of course, white. It is such a wonderful color and looks great on every skin tone. In fact, I recommend adding more navy and less black tops to your wardrobe as you get older. Black is harsher and less forgiving because the black is reflected onto the skin. It can bring out more imperfections than navy blue which is softer and warmer. Color experts also say navy also conveys certain traits like trust, intelligence, authority, confidence, power, conversation, and responsibility.

And the best part about truly embracing this combination: your wardrobe will expand tremendously. Wear that navy blue dress with black boots and a black purse. Pair your navy blouse with your best black pants. And your navy coat or blazer with a black turtleneck and jeans – perfection! If you’ve loved this combination forever, you are my hero and I hope you’re now inspired to find a new navy and black combo and wear it next week. If you’ve been like me and accepted it intellectually but not whole heartedly embraced it – I hope you do now. Let’s join the black and navy party!


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