Let’s Start Building Your Dream Wardrobe in 2024

If you’re like most people you are overwhelmed by your closet of clothes. It’s not a planned system where you can easily put outfits together. Instead it’s probably just a bunch of clothes you’ve accumulated over the years. As a result, it’s hard to make outfits, many items no longer fit and you stand in front of your closet feeling overwhelmed and uninspired. 

What if you could re-build that wardrobe with a plan towards having a collection of clothes that fit and flatter, easily go together to create outfits and reflect your unique personal style? You really can! It will take time, but it’s very do-able and this could be the year you make it happen.

Building a Core Foundation

The most important thing to do is create a solid foundation of core pieces that will never go out of style. I outline the process for this in a previous post: How to Build a Core Capsule Wardrobe.

Although I provide some examples of items in that post, it’s really important to ensure you are thoughtfully adding the right items FOR YOU into your wardrobe as you build it. Even though I believe there are approximately 25 essential items that make up the foundation for any wardrobe, these 25 items are not the same exact items for everyone. Your black pants are probably going to be different from my black pants. Depending on your unique personal style, budget, body type and lifestyle they will be unique to YOU. 

So before you even start building that wardrobe, spend some time defining your personal style so you have clarity about what this wardrobe is going to look like. The clearer you are about who you are and what you want to project when you get dressed, the more efficient your wardrobe will be. The key is to have a wardrobe where every item is earning it’s keep and you are actually wearing it. Everything should make you look good, feel good and serve a purpose. So let’s get clear about what will make you feel good:

Define your personal style

We feel good when we feel authentic. Have you ever had that moment when you’re wearing an outfit and you just feel 100% yourself? Not just the style of the clothes, but the shape (called “silhouette”) of the clothes and even the way the fabric felt against your skin? Try to remember what it was about those clothes that made you feel that way and write it down. Spend a little time on Pinterest and create a board of outfit inspiration. What is it about those outfits that are resonating with you? 

The Three Word Method

Another great exercise to provide clarity about your personal style is to define your “Three Words”.  These words can serve as anchors when you’re making decisions about clothes, whether it’s editing down your wardrobe or shopping. I first learned about this concept from Alyssa Beltempo, but it’s a very common practice for stylists and designers.  Watch Alyssa’s YouTube video to learn more about how to do this. 

Stylist Allison Bornstein, author of Wear it Well, recommends coming up with a one PRACTICAL word: what do I wear most of the time and when I’m in a hurry? What is my “go-to” style? One ASPIRATIONAL word: what do I like to wear when I take time to plan it out? What is the style of my pinterest board? And one EMOTIONAL word: how do you want to feel in your clothes?

Here are a couple of real life examples of client’s three words:



Once you have these three words you are on your way to knowing what to edit out of your closet and what to add in. It can also help you create outfits that feel super authentic. 

You may change your words from time to time - don’t feel pressure with this exercise, it’s just there to help you. It takes time but if you invest in exploring these words it’ll slowly get your closer to finding your style. 

Know and celebrate your body shape

Can we please start celebrating our bodies in 2024? I’m truly ready to let go of the “some day these might fit me” pile of clothes. My clothes need to fit me, I don’t need to fit into them. And our bodies change so even if we lose weight, they probably still won’t fit you just right. Let go of the clothes that don’t fit and flatter. It’s just unnecessary torture. You can do better!

Find clothes that flatter your body by taking the time to pull out any items you currently own that you know fit you well. What is it about those items that flatter your body? Consider these traits when you make future purchases. The smallest details can make a big difference. The rise and leg length of a pair of pants. The amount of volume in a sweater and where it hits you on your hips. Start paying attention to these details and only allow items back into your wardrobe this year that you know fit you perfectly.

And don’t be afraid of altering your clothes. If you’ve never done this, now’s the time to try. It’s so great when we can make something we already own work for us. Taking a top in at the waist or shortening a sleeve can make a world of difference. If you don’t have a tailor, most dry cleaners have alterations and it’s worth giving it a try!

Identify the aspects of your body that you know are great and accentuate them. It doesn’t matter if it feels like everyone wears jeans - if you look great in a dress, make that your go-to item. Wear the silhouettes that look great on your body. When we wear items that fit and flatter, we feel beautiful and powerful. Let’s feel more like that in 2024!

 And if there are areas of your body that you don’t want to emphasize, wear pieces that cover or de-emphasize so you don’t have to think about it. Clothes can really change the way our bodies look. Life’s too short to feel frumpy and bad about our bodies. Accentuate and/or de-emphasize in whatever way that makes you feel great.

Starting the process of building your dream wardrobe really starts by focusing on YOU first. Treat yourself to some “me time” and play with your three words - embrace who you really are style-wise. And celebrate your body so you wear the clothes and the clothes don’t wear you.

Stay tuned for more as we build that dream wardrobe together!


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